Executive Coaching
Project Team coaching

Testimonial from Bruno Charvet, Deputy Managing Director, Mazda Thailand, April 2009

“I have worked with Jean-Francois for 2 years and I give him my highest recommendation. Improving the competences of the local managers in a developing market is one of the vital few priorities; it is a difficult, lengthy and time-consuming exercise and without the support of a professional coach it is unlikely to achieve any significant progress during the duration of one’s assignment. Jean-Francois gave me some invaluable support and the progress achieved with the majority of the team was beyond my expectations. When no progress were made, he was honest enough to state that with this specific individual the coaching was not bringing the expected results and that it would be better to pull the plug. Before he became a coach Jean-Francois spent many years in managerial and executive positions in a multinational company.

As a result he knows well from his personal experience what managing a business, managing a team and being accountable for results means. Because he has spent many years in Asia and in particular in Thailand, he understands well how to deal with the local people. This is extremely important as dealing with Thai employee in the same way as with western employee is almost always a recipe for failing…

In summary, thanks to this in-depth knowledge of Asia, his successful personal business experience, his mastering of the latest coaching tools and methods and his own inter-personal skill Jean-Francois has helped me to build a much more efficient team in less than 2 years. The value he has added is acknowledged not only by me but also by all those he has coached; he has earned the esteem and the respect of the local managers who are most grateful for how he managed to help them grow. Once again, I can only give him my highest recommendation.”