Episode 1 – Boost your stamina and sharpness in crisis
- Slide-Deck
- Highlights Video (YouTube)
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 3 – 6 coaching skills for leaders in crisis
- Slide-Deck
- Highlights Video (YouTube)
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 5 – 10 tips to re-motivate your team
- Slide-Deck
- Highlights Video (YouTube)
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 7 – Tips for strategic planning to rebound in crisis
- Slide-Deck
- Highlights Video (YouTube)
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 9 – Why and how you should artfully reinvent your leadership NOW
- Slide-Deck
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 2 – 9 tips to become a crisis-proof leader
- Slide-Deck
- Highlights Video (YouTube)
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 4 – Smart practices to enhance collaboration, agility and collective intelligence in your team
- Slide-Deck
- Highlights Video (YouTube)
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 6 – How to make our new ways of working the most productive & enjoyable
- Slide-Deck
- Highlights Video (YouTube)
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 8 – Boost the performance of your team-members
- Slide-Deck
- Highlights Video (YouTube)
- Full Video (YouTube)
Episode 10 – 12 Boosters of Great Leadership spotted over 12,000 Coaching Hours
- Slide-Deck
- Full Video (YouTube)
Jean-Francois is engaging audiences around the world about transformative leadership and coaching.
See below the themes of some of his recent public speaking engagements.
We will be delighted to email you the slide-decks of the presentations you wish to read.
Just let us know their titles by email, at, and we will send the slide-decks your way!
Latest Engagements
- Puerto Rico – Coaching-Empowered Leadership Uniquely Enables Organizations to Thrive in our ‘B.A.N.I.’ World – Why and How
- Kenya – The imperatives of Leadership in a BANI World
- Worldwide – Coaching Artistically To Unleash Client’s Greatness
- Worldwide – Summit June 2024 – Coaching the whole of the client
- Worldwide – Summit June 2024 – Coach artistically, to unleash clients’ greatness
- France – Libérez vos énergies quantiques à la manière d’Einstein
- Kenya – The imperatives of leadership in a BANI world
- Uganda – The critical mindset and skills to thrive in BANI workspaces
- Sri Lanka – Master ‘Conversations for Change’, it immensely matters to you and the future
- Portugal – Unlock your ‘Being’ as a coach, in an accelerated world, instead of ‘doing’ coaching
- Portugal – The difference you will make as a leader-coach and why it immensely matters to you and the future
- Sri Lanka – Human connectedness and meaningful conversations – how coaching boosts the success of tech companies in the Silicon Valley
- Singapore – Coach like Einstein would and enable quantum leaps
- China & Taiwan – The Art and Tao of Coaching beyond Mastery level – 蒞臨與超越大師級教練的藝與道
- Ukraine – Listening Actively to the client’s energy
- Mexico – 10 insights and 10 practical tips to coach at your very best – harvested over 15000 coaching hours
- Mexico – Why and how coaching is helping change the game and enhancing the success of the world’s most admired companies
- Mexico – Coach like Einstein would, and enable quantum leaps – Jean-Francois Cousin for ICF Mexico Conference
- Worldwide (WBECS) – Coach like Einstein would, and enable quantum leaps
- Worldwide (WBECS) – Coaching Demo + Make your clients shine far and long
- Worldwide – 10 insights and 10 tips to coach at your very best for APAC 2022
- Worldwide – Deepen your coaching presence and illuminate your sessions with artistry
- Ukraine – Coaching in times of war and crisis
- Thailand – Why Organizations Need Coaching – How Coaching Impacts Your Organization Growth
- Europe – 10 insights and 10 tips to coach at your very best
- Ukraine – Reconnect with our inner base, to build resilience
- USA: Why you need to reinvent your coach’s posture NOW and how to do so successfully – Jean-Francois Cousin
- Worldwide (ICF CONVERGE21): Partner with your Inner-Artist to amplify your coaching impact
- Worldwide (ICF): The Value of Being an ICF Coach (ICF Ethics COP)
- Worldwide (virtual in French): Le Coach vs. le chaos de la distanciation sociale: retour d’expérience et bonnes pratiques pour coaches et dirigeants
- Worldwide (virtual): A Journey through Mastery to Artistry for you to create far greater value
- Worldwide (virtual): Coach vs. chaos: success tips for managers & coaches throughout social distancing
- Worldwide (virtual): Let’s reinvent the way we are with an artistry nourished by diversity and inclusion
- Worldwide (WBECS Full Summit): Stop doing coaching – Start being the Coach (Coaching Demo)
- Worldwide (WBECS): C.O.A.C.H. vs. chaos – coaching demo & experience-sharing
- Worldwide (WBECS): Coach vs Chaos – Crisis-tested tips to support overwhelmed clients
- Worldwide (WBECS): Stop doing coaching Start Being the Coach – June 2021
- Worldwide: Create far greater value through Artistry in Coaching and Leadership
- Worldwide: How to enable your leadership team to conquer 2021 best opportunities
- Worldwide: How your artistry can empower your coaching and your leadership
- Africa: Value of Coaching for African Social Entrepreneurs
- Australasia: Igniting and leveraging your business… Do’s and don’ts learnt the hard way!
- Austria: Successful Leaders Must Become e-CIA Agents – Why And How Coaching helps!
- Belgium: How do coaching cultures evolve leadership DNA and help organizations thrive
- Canada: From starting a coaching practice to expanding it globally
- Chile: How to foster inclusion and diversity lessons from top tech companies
- Chile: How to get the first client… as a new coach: mistakes and lessons learnt!
- China: 10个让你的教练会谈发挥到极致的洞察
- China: 10个让你的教练会谈发挥到极致的洞察
- China: From busyness to greatness: simple steps to bring out your best – with CHINESE translation
- China: Igniting and leveraging your business (with Chinese Translation)
- China: VUCA时代,教练和领导者的成功要素, 与 Dr. Elena Espinal MCC and Jean-Francois Cousin MCC
- China: Why coaching boosts the success of internet companies
- China: 从精通到艺术的跃升…从奋力拼搏到从容绽放
- China: 教练如何助力硅谷互联网公司成功
- China: 教练如何助力硅谷互联网公司成功 (Why and how coaching boosts the success of internet companies in the Silicon Valley)
- Ecuador: Strategy to boldly lead the future of Coaching in a fast changing World
- France: Coaches’ responsibility towards sustainability as they support leaders
- French-speaking world: 10 leçons et 10 conseils pratiques pour coacher magistralement
- French-speaking world: Reinventez votre posture de coach en liberant votre artiste interieur
- Germany: 10 insights and 10 tips to coach at your very best
- Germany: Why and how Coaching boosts the success of tech companies
- Germany: Why and how Coaching boosts the success of tech companies in the Silicon Valley
- Germany: Why you need reinvent your coach’s posture NOW and how to do so successfully
- India: Building Coaching as a skill to bring out the best from yourself, others and organizations
- India: Coaching – a catalyst of liberation and reinvention, across contexts, cultures & languages
- India: The DNA of Leadership at the world’s most admired companies
- Iran: Bring out the best in your people and organization
- Iran: Bring out the Best In Your People to create superior economic value
- Iran: Change your game and create superior value in our VUCA world
- Iran: Is your personal ‘leadership brand’ the best it can be?
- Italy: Il coaching accenderà la capacità artistica di leadership necessaria per “salvare il mondo”
- Kazakhstan: Embrace the unknown and change your game to best overcome this crisis
- Kenya: The DNA of Leadership at the world’s most admired companies
- Kenya: Why and how coaching sustains the success of the world’s most admired companies
- Latin America: Deja de hacer coaching – Empieza a ser Coach
- Lebanon: Successful Leaders Must Become ‘e-CIA Agents’! Why And How Coaching helps
- Malaysia: Being future-capable in a VUCA World
- Malaysia: Embrace the unknown and change your game
- Morocco: Comment convaincre ses premiers clients en tant que Coach
- Mundo de habla hispana: El viaje al Arte en Coaching y Liderazgo
- Philippines: How to reinvent your leader’s or coach’s posture successfully
- Netherlands: How do coaching cultures evolve leadership DNA and help organizations thrive
- Oman: How a coach’s posture rooted in Western & Eastern cultures triggers greater agility and collaboration across an organization
- Panama: 10 Insights and 10 Tips to Coach at Your Very Best
- Panama: The DNA of Leadership at the world’s most admired companies
- Poland: How a coach’s posture rooted in both Western and Asian cultures triggers greater agility and collaboration across an organization
- Russia and CIS: How you can raise Energy, Collective Intelligence and Agility in your teams with coaching
- Russia: 10 insights and hands-on advice to coach masterfully (with Russian translation)
- Singapore: A dive in the Silicon Valley – Unveiling the DNA of Leadership at the world’s most admired companies
- Singapore: Create a Corporate Coaching Culture
- Singapore: Igniting and leveraging your business
- Singapore: Invent 2021 as your best coaching-year ever
- Singapore: Keys unlocking Asian leaders’ potential to become Global Leaders
- Singapore: Leadership lessons from the Silicon Valley
- Singapore: Why and how coaching sustains the success of the world’s most admired companies
- Taiwan: A breakthrough path for leaders to become the successful game changers of their lives, teams and organizations in our ‘VUCA’ world
- Taiwan: Become a Triple-A Coach – Enable Adaptation, Agility and Artistry in your clients
- Thailand: Best practices to set up Thai leaders for success in Asia and worldwide
- Thailand: Build and retain high-performing teams in the tech industry
- Thailand: Partner with your artistic mind to re-invent your way-forward as a business leader, and thrive
- Thailand: Strategy to boldly lead the future of Coaching in a fast changing World
- Thailand: The DNA of Leadership at the world’s most admired companies
- Thailand: The impact of the boss’ posture on employees’ behaviors
- Thailand: Transform mindsets with powerful questions
- Thailand: Why and how coaching brings out your Inner Leader
- Thailand: Why and How Coaching is helping to change the game with Jean-Francois Cousin
- UK: What happens when coaches partner with their inner-artist
- Uruguay: Why and how Coaching is enhancing the success of the world most admired companies
- USA: 10 Insights and 10 Tips to Coach at Your Very Best in 2020
- USA: 10 insights to coach at your very best
- USA: Boldly leading the future of coaching in a fast-changing world
- USA: Igniting and leveraging your coaching business
- USA: The Value of coaching in high tech Companies
- USA: Where the development of leaders’ agility & collaborative skills and coaching mastery meet
- Vietnam: Bring out the best in people and in business with coaching skills
- WBECS 2019: 10 Insights and 10 Tips to Coach at Your Very Best Harvested Over 10,000 Coaching-Hours